Now-a-days we are often struck with the fake pendrives that are being sold in the market under the name of the reputed companies like Kingston, Transcend etc.,. Not only in the showrooms but also fake pendrives have reached the online shopping stores like ebay etc.,. So, we must be aware of such pendrives by knowing some tricks to check whether they are original or fake.
In this post, I am going to discuss about a tool that helps in checking the space of your pendrive whether or not it is genuine as claimed by seller. To do this, simply follow the below steps.
-> Download H2testw tool.
-> This is a zip file. So extract it and you will find a '.exe' file.
-> Run that .exe file to launch the tool.
-> Select the language and click on 'Select Target' to choose the pendrive location.
(Note that pendrive has to be formatted before initialising this test)
->Now click on 'write + verify'.
-> The process starts and may take a bit long if your pendrive's size is large.
-> Once the test is completed you will be notified about the errors if any.
-> If you get the result as 'Test finished without errors' (see above pic) then your pendrive is fine and genuine.
-> In case if you are notified with errors then the pendrive you inserted may be fake.
So, friends if you have any doubt about your pendrive then just implement above trick and ask for refund if it is found fake.
A few other tips:
In this post, I am going to discuss about a tool that helps in checking the space of your pendrive whether or not it is genuine as claimed by seller. To do this, simply follow the below steps.
-> Download H2testw tool.
-> This is a zip file. So extract it and you will find a '.exe' file.
-> Run that .exe file to launch the tool.
-> Select the language and click on 'Select Target' to choose the pendrive location.
(Note that pendrive has to be formatted before initialising this test)
->Now click on 'write + verify'.
-> The process starts and may take a bit long if your pendrive's size is large.
-> Once the test is completed you will be notified about the errors if any.
-> If you get the result as 'Test finished without errors' (see above pic) then your pendrive is fine and genuine.
-> In case if you are notified with errors then the pendrive you inserted may be fake.
So, friends if you have any doubt about your pendrive then just implement above trick and ask for refund if it is found fake.
A few other tips:
- If a pendrive on copying files into it, if they get corrupted every time then the pendrive may be fake. Try on different machines, even now if the result is same then there's no doubt, it's a fake pendrive!!!
- Some pendrives may not be completely fake. Though it shows a capacity of 16GB (for example) it can hold upto only 2GB. Then it is said to be a hacked 2GB pendrive. It's actual size is 2GB.
- Some 16 GB pendrives with swivel design/blue color are being sold under the trade name of Kingston. Note that Kingston hasn't manufactured any 16GB drive with swivel design/blue color. Their 16GB drives are DataTraveler Vault type!!
- Note that sizes of pendrives always will be in the order of power of 2.There are no pendrives with size 20GB, 24GB which are not in the order of 2^n( 2 to the power of n).
- The best way to check the true capacity of a USB drive is to read the part number of the memory chip & search for it on the web.