Best Motivational Apps

Stress, depression are quite common in today's busy life, but when we fail to handle them,they results in serious failures, they can even force the person to commit suicide. To avoid such situations and get kicked out of the depression, all we need is the motivation. Motivation in terms of thinking, talking and socializing. So, have you ever thought of using smartphone in your hand as a motivator? If your answer is 'NO', then you have landed at the right place. In this post, I will let you know about some of the motivational apps which are best among the available.  

Phone serving as motivator

Motivatioanl Quote for Success 

How it would be if your day starts with motivational quotes as you wake up?? It would be delightful and confident. So, to get started just install the app 'MotivationalQuote for Success' on your smartphone. This app also allows you to send the quotes to your friends through messaging and also you can share them on social networking sites.

Quotes DB 

Quotes DB is another hub of motivational quotes and sayings of some great personalities of the world. Browse the categories and get inspired by the quotes. It also allows you to set a widget on homescreen such that every day you are welcomed with a new quote. There are nearly 10,000 quotes in this app.

The Greatest Quotes

Bill Gates, Albert Einstein, Steve Jobs....All these famous people have one similairty, they are college dropouts!!! Yet, they succeeded and inspired the world and became role models of many people. All the quotes and sayings by such people are available with the app 'The Greatest Quotes'. There are nearly 1000 quotes in this app which you can share as messages / phrases as you like with your friends in various social networks (Facebook, Twitter, SMS, email and many more).

Simply The Best Motivation

'Simply The Best Motivation' is a 10 minute motivational MP3 recording which can  boost your mental attitude via positive thinking, speaking and social engaging.

505 Motivational Quotes 

Yes, what you guessed is right. As the name suggests this app contains 505 Motivational and inspirational quotes. 505 Motivational Quotes lets you view the famous quotes from different people in history.

These are some of the best motivational apps where you can find inspiring quotes. Above all, one must have sheer will power to get on the situation..As said by Abdul Kalam, everyone in this world has born fire, all we need is to just give the wings to that fire to excel in life.

If your favorite inspirational or motivational app wasn’t there on our list, then share it with us in the comments section.