Windows 7 Tips & Tricks

win 7
No matter what the latest releases be, Windows 7 can possibly be ranked as one of the best OS so far because of its style and user friendly interface. However, if you're using Windows 7, then there may be lot of tricks which you may not know. So, today in this post I will discuss some tricks of Windows 7 which can deliver you high performance. So, here we go...

 To scroll through the pinned applications in the taskbar without touching your mouse, simply hold down the Windows key, press T, and use the arrow keys or type T repeatedly.

 To start an application/program that is pinned to the taskbar, hold the Windows key and press the number(1-9) that corresponds with its location.

Here is a simple windows 7 trick by which we can use windows 7 themes which aren’t made for us.
Just type C:\Windows\Globalization\MCT in the search box and press enter.  Here you can access folders of themes which are actually made for USA and Canada.

To zoom in press windows key and + and to zoom out press windows key and -.

To focus the icons of the system tray hold down the Windows key, press B.

 Not only apps and documents, but also you can pin drive icons to the taskbar.
Right-click on the desktop, select New > Text File, and rename the file to drive.exe. Drag and drop this onto your taskbar, then delete the original file.
Right-click your new "drive.exe" taskbar button, then right-click its file name and select Properties. Change the contents of both the Target and Start In boxes to point at the drive or folder of your choice, perhaps click Change Icon to choose an appropriate drive icon, and you're done, that drive is pinned.

 If you want to store confidential files in a particular folder, and would like to keep them away from other network users, then don't worry it's made easy just right-click the folder, select Share With > Nobody, and they'll be made private, it can be only accessed by your user account only. 

It you want to repair then press F8 as your PC starts, and you can see a Repair Your Computer option. Now you can choose any of the available recovery tools.

If you are using Internet Explorer on Windows 7, then sometimes you may have experienced IE taking a while to start...this is because of add-ons. But now, IE8 has a solution. Click Tools > Manage Add-ons, check the Load Time in the right-hand column, and you'll immediately see which browser extensions are slowing you down.

 If you want to create a new folder in Windows 7 Explorer, then just press Ctrl+Shift+N. This creates a new folder and type its name.

Let me know your suggestions if any through the comments section below.