How To Make Money Easily With a New Blog

make money

In today's world, blogging is in vogue and every blogger wants huge traffic to their blogs so as to increase their earnings. Driving the visitors and making money would be a cake-walk for the one who have an established blog already. But for a newbie it would be a puzzle with several unknown logics.

So what are the strategies to be followed to make money with a brand new blog in just 2 months? 

This post helps you to find those answers and helps newbies to solve the puzzle.

Step 1: Choose a template with good design and navigation
Be the premium or a freemium theme, the template which you install for your blog must be appealing to the visitors. Using unwanted widgets in the template leads to slow loading of web pages and makes the visitors feel frustrating. 
The other important thing to consider is the navigation where most of the newbies fall lack off. Make the categories and the site links of the blog in reach to the reader easily. 

Step 2: Create unique content
Content is the king and is what that drives traffic to your blog. Include keywords in your content and make a research of yourself about the keywords that visitors most search for. Search engines ping those sites in their directory for foremost with recent postings. So always strive for creating unique content and update the blog daily. 

Related Reading: Tips To Write A Viral Post

Step 3: Practice SEO
SEO is the most crucial thing where most of the newbies falls short in. Optimize the content so that search engines can easily crawl into your site. Use keywords at right place but DON’T stuff them.The more relevant your keywords are, the easier and quicker it is to rank for them, so is the higher percentage of visitors.

Step 4: Social sharing
Share the posts regularly on social networking sites like facebook, Digg, Reddit, Twitter and stumbleupon.The social media is a powerful legal traffic generator that can boost your alexa rank. But remember, don't spam.  Also include social icons for sharing, liking, tweeting on your posts.

Related Reading: How To Get More Traffic Using StumbleUpon? 

Step 5: Commenting 
Post your views and comments on comment luv blogs related to your  niche. This helps in getting backlinks to your blog which are very important in building the traffic. Also install a good commenting system on your blog. There are various third party commenting systems such as Disqus, Livefyre etc., available freely on the internet. Also let the visitors to comment through facebook and g+, this helps in increase of social engagement of your blog.

A few more....
  • Make sure that you have a good command in the niche you have selected. Confused in selecting the niche? Don't worry check this guide.
  • Submit your sitemap to various search engines.  
  • Add privacy policy and contact-us pages to your blog which are prerequisites for Google Adsense.
  • Do guest posting on other blogs.
  • Install alexa widget on your blog.
  • Write each post with not less than 600+ words.
  • Join the blogging communities in the social networking sites.    


Making money from a new blog all needs the branding. A blog creates its own brand only when it reaches the targetted audience and gets engaged with them. So,  start a self-survey on the keywords and make a perfect use of them in your content. Don’t do blogging for earnings, do it for sharing the information to the readers, eventually the earnings goes after you. The newer your website is, the more patient you will need to be. It takes time to build authority and trust, and until you’ve developed both, you shouldn’t expect to outrank older, more established sites.